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3 Quick Tips to be Amazing When you don't feel like it

The key to being amazing when you don’t feel like it is mind set. We all are forced attend functions and meetings that we are not thrilled about attending. There is an entire list that we can create to remind us of the countless plays, recitals, holiday concerts, PTA meetings and more that by default we attend to support our children.

#1 Have a conversation with our self prior to the event

Yes, I said it! Don’t act like you have never talked yourself into to doing something that you did not want to. Self talk helps you to make the choice to be present and happy. It helps you to become realize that you are amazing because you set your own feelings aside to be present for your family.

#2 Self Reflection!

Sometimes when we self reflect we instantly realize that we are awesome! Self Reflection also helps us gain positive energy and happiness. A lot of time we go through life forgetting to reflect on our accomplishments and commitment to our family and self. This can be as simple as telling our self “I am going to have fun because I choose to have fun.”

#3 Ask a friend to join you

It is easier to attend an event when you have someone that you are familiar with. This usually helps you to enjoy yourself and the moment. Also, it gives you an opportunity to hang out and focus on your friend.

Everything is a matter of perception. If you see something as awesome, it will be awesome! The key is, being ready to experience awesomeness no matter what the circumstance. Think about the joy you will receive from bringing happiness to an event.

Latoya Boston, CEO

Real Moms Live

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